Mind over the body hynotherapy

Tim Moore, MHt, NLP

In Person Sessions

Fort Collins, Colorado

Zoom Sessions Available World-wide

Welcome To Total Transformation Hypnosis and NLP

overcome limitations

Break Free From Anxiety, Depression, Past Trauma, Fears, Self-Doubt, Chronic Stress,

Breaking Habits, Addictions, and More....

Hypnosis Can Offer The Fastest, Most Powerful Method For Lasting Emotional Freedom.

"A truly mind opening experience that has been life changing for me. Highly recommended!"

~ John D.

best hypnosis

Living Your Best Life Starts with Creating the Change YOU Want.

Transform Your Mind, Transform Your Life.

So many people live their lives in the shadows of chronic stress, past traumatic emotional events, anxiety, depression, self doubt and fear, but it doesn't have to be that way. You can break free from those negative thought patterns quickly and easily with the help of hypnosis, NLP and my other modalities. I believe so strongly that there is no issue that I can't help someone overcome that I personally guarantee that if you aren't satisfied after your first session, I will refund the cost of that session.

  • Over 90% Success Rate in 6 sessions or less

  • Completely natural, medication free therapy

Begin your inner transformation with hypnosis

"Tim is amazing! In just a few short weeks he helped me get motivated to make real lasting changes that I have been struggling with. He was able to cut to the center of the issue and gave me tools to work with. I have highly recommended him to friends and family."

~ Ann Margaret

5 star rated

How Would It Fee To Start Living Life On Your Terms, Free From Unwanted Negative Emotional States?

What The Mind Believes, The Mind Creates

move past limiting beliefs

Our minds have amazing power, but when certain events happen that create significant negative emotions, those emotions can get "stuck" in the subconscious and manifest themselves in a lot of ways, from anxiety, depression, fears, chronic stress, self doubt, and even physical illness. When we live in a state of stress, our sympathetic nervous system stays engaged and floods our bodies with stress hormones and chemicals, which can lead to a number of negative outcomes, both physically and mentally.

Unlike traditional therapies, I work with you on the subconscious level through hypnosis, neuro-linguistic programming, EMI and other modalities, to disconnect emotional responses that no longer serve any positive purpose, to make rapid, permanent change. By releasing those stuck emotions you can get back to creating the life you want.

No one wants to live in a negative emotional state, but often people decide that "it is what it is" and continue to live a life that is far less fulfilling than it should be. It becomes a choice to live in the effect of something, rather than living in cause and releasing it. We have one life to live and by not taking action to live on our terms we are wasting this opportunity for a life of freedom and happiness. Life is short, don't waste another day.

Certified hypnotherapy
medication free therapy
holistic wellness

Board Certified

Medication Free

Holistic Approach

"Tim is truly a master at what he does, combining his expertise to create a personalized approach in meeting the needs and desired outcome of each client. I felt seen, heard, and cared for as he lead me though hypnosis sessions to heal and reframe my perception of the trauma I've experienced. I am no longer held back by negative emotions and limiting beliefs. Tim is the real deal, full of integrity, and kindness."

~Susan H.

rated 5 stars

Watch This Short Video.

You owe it to yourself and those you care about to make the most of every day. The time to make those changes is NOW.

Ready To Make Those Life Changes?

  • Gentle, Holistic Approach To Emotional Freedom.

  • Fast, Effective, Positive Results.

  • Over a 90% Success Rate in Improved Outcomes.

You Can Be Only Weeks Away From a Completely New Mindset, and Outlook On Life. If You Take Action.

I don't have a magic wand, but I do have the resources, methods, training, and knowledge to help you re-wire your mind and make lasting change to unwanted emotional connections.

My program combines Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Eye Movement Integration, and Resonant Frequency Therapy. You will experience a profound shift as you make changes on the subconscious level of your mind.

Effective for overcoming anxiety and depression
Gain mental clarity

Life can be hard, but is living with negative emotions making it harder than it needs to be?

90% of what we perceive as "Reality" is only our individual perception of reality. It's the version we created based on our experiences, beliefs, and values. By reframing negative experiences on the subconscious level we can disconnect triggers and emotional attachment to even the most intense emotional experiences and reactions.

live your best life

What would the new and improved YOU be able to accomplish?

Picture Yourself Transformed.......Ask Yourself, How Would Releasing This Emotional Residue, That Doesn't Serve Me In Any Positive Way, Change My Life?

  • Improved physical and mental health

  • Improved Relationships (Including your relationship with yourself)

  • A clear mind, free from stress, anxiety, fear, and self doubt

Meet Your Practitioner

Tim Moore

Master Hypnotist, NLP, EMI and RFT Practitioner

Hypnotherapy Trainer, Author and Speaker

board certified hypnoherapy


best hypnotist

When people hear that I am a hypnotist, the first thought is often that I'm going to make someone cluck like a chicken or that I can somehow take control of their mind. While those might be interesting powers to have, I unfortunately don't possess that type of power, no one does.

I've been a student of the mind for nearly 3 decades. After first being introduced to Neuro-Linguistic Programming in the late 1990's my need to explore the human mind took on a life of it's own. Every day I still find ways to be amazed at what we can accomplish when we take an active role in directing our minds towards the outcomes in life we want.

I've witnessed people that have been affected by past traumatic events completely let go of the emotional attachment in a matter of minutes, I've been part of people healing from physical disease, overcome life long phobias in a single session, eliminate chronic pain instantly, and break addictions easier than they ever thought possible. Those are only a few examples. The changes that my client see, and see rapidly, are truly amazing.

There is no issue, problem or limitation that I can't help someone overcome, improve, change, or remove. That's a big statement to make, but it's my firm belief that if someone is ready, and commit themselves, that as humans we all possess the internal power to make just about any change that we want. Our subconscious is more than willing to help us, as long as it understands the outcome we truly want.

The outcome we truly want is the key. The techniques I use aren't something I do TO you, they are methods that we do TOGETHER. I act as your instructor, guiding you to create the changes you want. Once we have our plan in place, and are crystal clear on the changes or improvements we want, change can happen faster than you could possibly imagine.

I believe in a very compassionate, gentle approach in making improvement, but I also get right to the issue at hand. I don't believe that it needs to take years of talking or re-living the past to make the changes we want, those changes can happen within a few short sessions. While a number of clients continue to see me for "mind maintenance" the underlying issue is address and changed quickly.

Most experienced hypnotist

How Do I Help Facilitate Transformations?

I don't believe that there is any "one size fits all" method in making change. I believe in creating a wellness "recipe" designed to be as fast and effective as possible. Just like any recipe, if you add the wrong ingredients, the end result isn't going to turn out right. While I have training and certifications in many techniques, once we identify the changes we want, I create your personal recipe based primarily on 4 core methods.

Hypnosis / Hypnotherapy

Neuro-Linquistic Programming

Eye Movement Integration

Life/Empowerment Coaching

Once we have our goals defined, your personal plan is put into action. You will be in a safe, comfortable, relaxed environment and find that even after the first session, you can feel the change happening.

Can't Come To Me? I Work With People World-Wide Remotely Over ZOOM!

Eliminate fears

Here is a glimpse of the

Methods I Use:

Natural, Safe, and Side Effect Free

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical Hypnotherapy Sessions

  • As a Master Hypnotherapist, I have been part of some amazing transformations using hypnosis as the primary therapy. Hypnosis is simply getting the client into a trance like state, where they are still fully in control, and giving specific, targeted suggestions to the subconscious mind.

Neuro Linguistic programming

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques focus on understanding how verbal and non-verbal communication affects the human brain and can be used to improve personal development and interpersonal skills. NLP allows individuals to achieve specific goals and overcome psychological obstacles

EMDR alternative

Eye Movement Integration

  • EMI is often described as the kinder, gentler, more effective version of EMDR. EMI can help people overcome past traumatic events in life in as little as one or two sessions. EMI works by stimulating the neurological processes that aid in the resolution of trauma, allowing the mind to disconnect negative emotions.

Resonant frequeny

Resonant Frequency Therapy

  • The principle behind RFT is that every cell in the body emits specific frequencies, and when these frequencies are disrupted due to illness or stress, the body's natural balance is disturbed. RFT can address a range of issues, by applying new frequencies through sound, magnetic, and scalar waves to the mind and body.

Why Work With


best hypnotist

When you have real issues that you are trying to overcome and change, you want the most qualified practitioner available to guide you towards reaching your desired outcome. As not only a board certified practitioner, but also a trainer of these techniques and modalities, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the table to facilitate your transformation. Probably the biggest reason to choose to work with me is the fact that I care deeply about each and every client I work with. Your success is my success and I take that responsibility seriously. You will always be treated with compassion, kindness and respect. I take it as a privilege to help facilitate your transformation.

Board Certified By:

  • International Board of Coaches And Practitioners

  • Complementary Therapists Accredited Association

  • International Guild of Hypnotherapy, NLP and 3 Principles Practitioners and Trainers.

  • International Hypnosis Association

work with mind over the body

New Client Special Offer!

Get Your First Session For

ONLY $49

Risk Free Money Back Guarantee!

(Limited time offer, may end at any time)

There has never been a better time for change than right now.

help for depression

One Time Payment

New Client Offer $49 First Session

Limited Time Offer - New Clients Only

  • 100% Guarantee* if my services aren't the right fit for you.

  • The Fastest Way To Creating a Better Mindset

  • Experience What Hypnotherapy Feels Like

  • Safe, Gentle and Side Effect Free Therapy.

Take Advantage of This Limited Time, Risk Free Offer.

$49/ One Time Payment

If after your first session you decide that my services aren't the right fit for you, I will refund your initial $49 Investment. The refund must be requested at the end of the first session. $49 rate applies only to the initial session. We will discuss your specific needs and create a program tailored to your individual needs.

Book Today!

What To Expect

First Session Goals

The first session is critical for helping us to create a plan to create the transformation and for you to reach your desired outcome.

Our initial session will be approximately 1 hour long where we will discuss the changes you want to make, uncover the root cause of the issue (if known) and discuss the fastest route to creating that permanent change that you want.

After discussing the changes we intend to make, we will have the initial hypnosis session to begin the process of aligning your conscious and subconscious in creating that change. At the end of the session you will find that you feel better and more relaxed than you have in a long time.

At the end of the session we will discuss how many sessions I feel it will take and the cost associated with the transformation program that we will custom design for you.

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Hypnosis or anxiety
mind over the body hypnotherapy

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The services provided by Total Transformation Hypnosis and Mind Over The Body are not intended to replace medical or psychological treatment. Hypnosis is a complementary therapy and should not be used as a substitute for professional healthcare. If you are experiencing any medical or psychological conditions, please consult with a licensed healthcare or mental health professional before engaging in hypnosis sessions. Mind Over The Body does not diagnose or treat any medical or phycological conditions or issues.

The outcomes of hypnosis sessions can vary from person to person. While most individuals will find hypnosis and our other modalities to be extremely beneficial, we cannot guarantee specific results. Success in achieving your goals depends on many factors, including your commitment, openness, and willingness to engage fully in the process.

About My Money Back Guarantee- If after your first session you decide that my services aren't the right fit for you, I will refund your initial $49 Investment. The refund must be requested at the end of the first session. $49 rate applies only to the initial session. We will discuss your specific needs and create a program tailored to your individual needs.

© 2024, Mind Over The Body.